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来源://bpyhltxh.com 日期:2019-06-10 发布人:admin

𝐆  Ventilation duct plays the role of ventilation and dehumidification in the common open room, and plays the role of ventilation, dehumidification and smoke exhaust in the air defense open room.
ꦉ  公开车库固然不住人,但有人员进出,所以同样需求有合适人生存的空气质量;公开室的自然通风口很少(普通只要出入口),是远远达不到所需求的通风量的;更何况公开室常常湿气大(特别是霉雨时节),要有很强的通风才干降低湿度。
🐭  Although the open garage is inhabitable, but there are people in and out, so the same need for the right people to live in the air quality; there are few natural vents in the open room (as long as the general entrance and exit), which is far from the required ventilation volume; moreover, the open room is often humid (especially in the mildew season), it needs strong ventilation to reduce humidity.
ᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ  有的车库还带有人防功用,思索了在特殊状况下用以暂时住人(普通时战争时,关闭进出口,大量的人规避其中,并思索战争中会有硝烟及其它等烟火灌入公开室),所以思索装置排烟管道。
🎶  Some garages also have the function of civil air defense, thinking about temporary residence under special circumstances (in ordinary wartime, closing imports and exports, a large number of people avoid them, and thinking that smoke and other fireworks will be poured into the open room during the war), so thinking about installing smoke exhaust pipe.
  Request for purchase of ventilation equipment
  1. It can bring you healthy and fresh air.
൲  2. It can dispel bad breath, poisonous gas and various kinds of pollution.
🐈  3. It can guarantee the prolongation of the life of buildings, especially to avoid the mildew of buildings.
🌸  4. To meet the requirements of building energy-saving standards.
🧸  5. It can ensure long-term, continuous, high reliability, low energy consumption and low noise operation.
🎐  本公司是一家努力于为广阔消费者提供通风管道,空调风管、消防排烟风管、镀锌风管等产品,公司不只产种类类齐全,配套性强,顺应面宽,而且能够为用户提供完好的技术支持及工程处理计划。
𒐪  Our company is striving to provide a wide range of consumers with ventilation ducts, air conditioning ducts, fire exhaust ducts, galvanized ducts and other products, the company not only has a complete range of products, strong matching, wide compliance, but also can provide users with sound technical support and engineering treatment plan.


  • 厨房排烟
  • 厨房排烟
  • 轴流风机
  • 不锈钢制品
